Sword of the Sufferer I – Love Crucified

Please click the highlighted paragraph below to listen on the Love Crucified website.

Your efforts to bring peace and unity in your families is a prayer. Your smile is a prayer. But your most perfect prayer is your pure suffering united to Me and My Mother. The prayer of pure suffering is the sweetest fragrance that reaches and delights the Heart of our Father. This is also the prayer that produces an abundance of fruit.

HOLY SILENCE– Love Crucified Community

Love Crucified recently made available to us an amazing, if somewhat lengthy doc on SILENCE. Since it is not on the website, I include it in this post. HOLY SILENCE by Fr Basil Nortz, ORC Accompanied with messages (blue) from the Lord & Mary to LC. Most of these messages are cited from A SIMPLE PATH TO […]

HOLY SILENCE– Love Crucified Community