Sword of the Sufferer I – Love Crucified

Please click the highlighted paragraph below to listen on the Love Crucified website.

Your efforts to bring peace and unity in your families is a prayer. Your smile is a prayer. But your most perfect prayer is your pure suffering united to Me and My Mother. The prayer of pure suffering is the sweetest fragrance that reaches and delights the Heart of our Father. This is also the prayer that produces an abundance of fruit.

“What to do with your SUFFERINGS? – Fr. Mathew Naickomparambil | 27 October | Divine GoodnessTV” on YouTube

“OFFERING our sufferings in Union with Christ past present and future for the salvation of souls..”
Fr. Mathew Naickomparambil


Watch “Embrace Our Sacrifices – Sep 12 – Homily – Fr Dominic” on YouTube

I found myself praying the Chaplet of Hannah’s Tears on Saturday and actually reflecting on my inability to embrace my cross ✝ . Without those times of prayer, in times of suffering don’t forget to quiet yourself in prayer with Christ. He will prepare you and me as Father has reiterated in the homily above. God bless you today as we unite our ✝ with the Cross of Christ Jesus.

In the Hearts of the Holy Family,



Thanking a special soul that recently passed and St. Joseph helping me with something this morning.

Heavenly help is the greatest!

Miracles are coming your way. Trust in the Cross & Your own cross. JESUS has a plan!

Divine Mercy Chaplet

Chaplet of Hannah’s Tears

Ice Cold, Maybe NOT

This Christmas please pray for those that you know with Infertility, MS and other Autoimmune Diseases, as it keeps us from doing and being what we want to be, an active, motivated wife/husband, mother/father and friend. It may seem that we are frozen and as cold as ice, just because we are quiet and keep to ourselves doesn’t mean we don’t miss our friends. We just learn to accept where we are and who we have become, our total focus is staying as well as we can and praying that it doesn’t affect anyone else.

Sometimes we might seem frozen and cold to those around us, but it’s truly just that we are learning how to deal with what is happening in our own lives.  Our hearts are actually on fire for we are constantly praying for that miracle in our lives and in those around us.  We pray each day of our lives that Our Lord would touch me and heal me, and then I think of you… Isn’t this who we really are?  You are actually more then you think, even if your heart is not blazing there is that little flame that God keeps burning, trust HIM.
To suffer is what this world brings upon us but to be healed is where God wants us to be.  As we learn to unite our cross to HIM we will be healed.  The fire of God must burn in our hearts and our souls, when we ponder our own cross we are not uniting it with Our Lord in the midst of our cross we must think of those who suffer more.  Ask Our Lord to bring people into your life that will understand, as there are many comrades that you will find friendship with.  Our Lord never leaves us alone, just ask and you will receive!

Let God set your hearts on fire this coming NEW YEAR for what HE has planned for your lives.  When you accept HIS will you will find your path and journey changed forever!