
The Apostolate of Hannah’s Tears: We uphold the values of prayer, faith, and the traditional family during the challenges of the cross as we follow our Catholic Christian call. See Catechism.
FAITHFULLY CATHOLIC (Universal Christian) Supporting you along the way of the cross while praying for the sanctity of marriage and family life, through the trials of infertility and loss, we stand faithfully and hopefully, upholding the teachings of the One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church.
Description: We offer prayer support and comfort to the brokenhearted who suffer the pains of infertility at any stage of life, difficult pregnancy, miscarriage, stillbirth, the loss of a child and the adoption process. This Apostolate intercedes for Catholic doctors, nurses, and their supportive personnel. We also serve as a vehicle of education in the proper channels of Catholic fertility practices as well as offering information resources to those seeking adoption and fertility care.
© 2008 – 2019
PROTECTING the CATHOLIC FAMILY with prayer and education: “The child” continues Donum Vitae, “is not an object to which one has a right, nor can he be considered as an object of ownership: rather, a child is a gift, ‘the supreme gift’ and the most gratuitous gift of marriage, and is a living testimony of the mutual giving of his parents”.
We are all called mend the broken hearted through prayer and education.
The various groups that we support:
Pope Paul VI Institute
NaPro FertilityCare Practitioners
Preemie Prints
Back In His Arms Again
*Please feel free to redistribute the leaflet with your Bishop or Pastor’s permission.*

Email: hannahstears4prayer@gmail.com

The Apostolate of Hannah’s Tears

Twitter: twitter.com/hannahstears

Website: http://hannahstears.org

2 thoughts on “About

  1. Hello,
    I too It is so good to see what you do to help grieving families. I also bring comfort to the families suffering the loss of a stillborn, fetal demise or neonatal loss with my Angel Gown Program. To allow this project to grow and continue to serve our families, I now need help from the community and those who truly understand how important acknowledging this loss is.

    Would you be willing to make a donation to our project and to share this with your readers so we can continue to help grieving families.
    Feel free to contact me with any questions you may have. Thanks.

    “The death of a baby is a profound loss that often others don’t acknowledge or even realize. Friends, family and even the nurses often don’t understand or even recognize the depth of the loss.

    The nurses may wisk the baby away and scramble to find an old towel or blanket to wrap it in. Friends and family often say, “Get over it, you can have an other one.”

    Without the support that we normally give to people when they lose a loved one, families feel that no one cares. They end up carrying their unresolved grief for years.

    Fortunately, because of programs like Angel Gowns we are becoming more aware and more compassionate. The gift of an angel gown acknowledges the importance of their baby and validates their loss. For the nurses having angel gowns to give, speaks volumes when they are at a loss for words.

    Your donation will speak volumes to these families that people do care. Please click below to see what we do and make a donation to show that you understand how important it is to acknowledge this loss and that you care.


    Karen Freeman, founder
    Angel Gowns Oregon

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