Reflection of the Journey

Dear Friend’s,

Happy belated Thanksgiving and Saturday…

I know we are entering into the new year of the Church. Many of us are enduring great trials and our journey is filled with turbulence and we may feel unsure of our life. Remember WE must all seek HIM more, rest in HIM more, TRUST in HIM more, offering everything you have to HIM. Below Jeff Cavins is reading the scriptures for Palm Sunday, this encompasses our entire FAITH as Tomorrow is the feast of Christ the King. HE is our VICTORY! Let HIM guide you as the GOOD SHEPHERD leads his sheep. Next Sunday is the first Sunday of Advent as we begin to prepare for the Christ Child, Emmanuel, God with us. Let HIM enter into your heart filled with great heaviness and burdens, may HE fill your heart today and always. Let HIM be your light. Let the Church calendar fill your days with NEWNESS of LIFE. Follow HIM.

Please read or listen to Isaiah 50:4-11 it is very important for us ALL. Rest and ponder HIS word.

REMEMBER, our HOPE is in the LORD who made HEAVEN & EARTH.

God bless you abundantly.

In the heart of Christ hidden in the Eucharist,
Therese, OCDS

[I am nothing more than HIS SERVANT, I ask for nothing but your prayers.]

“Jeff Cavins reflects on the readings for Palm Sunday. These readings recall the story that is at the center of our faith:”

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